Python scripts are stored in *.py files
- print(“add text here”)
- # to comment out the code
- ** exponentials
- % modulo
- are case-sensitive
- type() to check the type
- string – use ” or ‘
- float – real number
- int – integer
- boolean – True or False
- = is assignment, not equality
- Convert Types
- str(), int(), float(), bool()
- Used to give a single name to a collection of values
- car = [a, b, c]
- Can contain mixed data types as well as lists
- fam = [[“Joe”, 180], [“Jennifer”, 135]]
- to get information from the list:
- fam [2] => c
- fam [-1] => c – first item from the end of the list
- list [strt : end ] => list slicing
- help(<add any function name>) – to get information about a specific function
- sorted (iterable, key, reverse) – key default = None, reverse default = False
These are functions that belong to objects: strings, floats, integers, lists, etc.
- index()
- count()
- append()
- remove()
- reverse()
- upper()
- capitalize()
Packages are sets of python scripts saved together. Each script represents a module.
To install a package, use pip – package maintenance systems for Python. Additional information: